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One Room Challenge: Week three.... you'd think i was knee deep in 12 different projects and knocking out items on the to-do list. You must not know me all that well. It was definitely time to go on a little Disney getaway, obviously!

I like to live by the motto "I'm not here for a long time so I'm here for a good time"... besides who doesn't work better under pressure.

This week was all focused on the one piece of furniture that never lets me down. The Bed! My place of refuge and chilling and scrolling Instagram until I can't keep my eyes open. We were in need of an upgrade on the pillows, sheets and linens and Y'ALL I found the jackpot. I pulled the lever and got all three cherries! Here's the scoop-a-loop:

Fall 2018 One Room Challenge


I've also got a little Instagram inspiration for you. Some very special ladies that know how to pull together a bedroom with flawless and effortless style. I've been drawing some ideas off of these girls and their rooms. Take a look...


Maddy from used a fresh all white pallet and pulled in one bold hue for contrast and knocked it out of the park.

Caitlin @thehouseonbeachroad

Caitlin from @thehouseonbeachroad somehow made this neutral and cool toned room feel warm and inviting. The warm wood and greenery mixed with her art and collectables are giving me all the feels.

I know it's time to face my fears and get cracking on the mural and ceiling fan but I think I just heard a Churro cart go by. Gotta run!

Make sure to check out all of the amazing bloggers and DIY'ers kicking butt and taking names over on the ONE ROOM CHALLENGE site and the Featured Challengers who are blowin' my mind, y'all!

Rock On,


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