Turn up the stereo because they are playing the ORC theme song.....

Thanks to the band Scorpion and Hurricane Michael for putting a slight delay in my One Room Challenge plans for this week. What began as a tropical storm on Saturday, out in the Gulf of Mexico, has escalated to a Category 4 hurricane (AKA a little rain turned into Apocalypse Storm 4000). As the intensity built and the threat of 130mph winds crept closer and closer to the Mesa Casa, I made the decision around midnight Monday to get the heck out of dodge.

As I sit here pecking away at my computer that's tethered to the wall soaking up every ounce of battery juice possible, I can't help but feel like I'm racing the clock. I'm racing the storm to get my post live and racing this challenge to get completed in time. The punch list isn't half as intense as ORC's of the past but I always tend to under estimate the amount of work involved.

The eternal optimist in me is still planning and pinning away because I’m way too excited to see this vision come together. I may have to take a row boat to get home but, dang it, that tsunami wave mural is going up.
Let’s get down to the nitty gritty on the plans. I took a little trip down to the lumber yard and scored some beautiful pieces of cypress. They have so much character and color and are going to shine like rock stars as a modern barn door. I’ve been toying with a few designs but I think clean and simple with a unique handle is going to be the best choice. I have an idea for a semi-circle handle that I’m hoping I can make work. Here’s a few inspo pics.

I’d love to have a long chat with all of the contractors of the 90’s. You know, really get inside their heads. What were they thinking when they chose some of the angels and designs that we are all busting out hammers to change? Not having any sort of door to the master bathroom?! What are we, SAVAGES? There is nothing that ruins a day off like being awakened by someone running the blowdryer before sun up. I wish it was as easy as popping a door in place but since "Bob the 90's builder" thought it would be cute to have an offset doorway by just a feeeeeeewwww inches to make it impossible.... I have another solution. This is where Ahi Hardware steps in.

Thanks to my buds over at Ahi Hardware, a ceiling mounted barn door track is going to be the solution to my little door drama. We will have a door that hangs from our ceiling track and can free float a few inches away from the wall and light switch pad. Now if I can just decide what style door to build....
Along with all the custom door work I'll also be making a few custom signs to correlate with the room theme. I'm excited to introduce an entire Wabi Sabi collection in the Southern Mesa with new plant stand styles and signs all inspired by my new bedroom. Stay tuned for more info on THAT and pray I don't eat all these hurricane snacks before the power goes out.