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ONE ROOM CHALLENGE WEEK 4 || We're dancing on the ceiling & sleeping on the floor

I've stretched my quads, ordered a pizza, guzzled a gallon of coffee and I'm ready for the all night cram session known as Week 4 (or Week 1 Turbo speed). This is where everything is getting worked on all at once and it looks like a hurricane has hit us. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel but there are a few projects to wrap up and a punch list that feels like it's growing every day.

Paint It Black

One Room Challenge has this incredible way of making you try something you wouldn't normally do, pushing the envelope and trying something BIG. Well peeps, a black ceiling for me is BIG and BOLD and outside of what I would normally try but the impact is HUGE! The risk was small because, let's be honest, if I hate it... it's just paint. I'm glad I took the risk and now I'm hoping it looks amazing next to the wallpaper that's on its way from Sweden. (I know, fancy pants right?!)

The Wallpaper of My Tropical Dreams

So, after I gussied up the nerve to do the ceiling I was amped up like the Incredible Hulk with a paint brush and went to town on the floors. If you've looked at Pinterest for more than five seconds you've seen posts about painting tile floors as a frugal way to make over ugly, builder-grade tile. I laid a layer of high grip primer on the floors (Zinsser is my favorite) and impatiently waited for it to dry.


Primed white with Zinsser

Rustoleum Charcoal Grey

I can't wait to get started on the stencil but for now.... this beautiful matte grey will do! Stay tuned in stories this week for updates and sneak peeks!!



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