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I feel like the kid who's totally stalling on turning in their homework because they played hookie all week... BUT to be fair, it's not really a "challenge" unless you put yourself behind on a time line.

Am I right?

So since I decided to go on a little getaway with my guy for the week I did what any girl would do with her pool time... I SHOPPED! I've now got the majority of the supplies and elements purchased and in route. How's that for handling business? Before I show you the goodies I've purchased I'm going to show you the good, the bad and the very, VERY ugly.

Bathroom BEFORE 1

Bathroom BEFORE 2

When you look up beige, builder-grade bathroom in the dictionary THIS pops up. It's got zero personality and everything is the exact same color. Now I love neutral decor but come on.... this is like the brown bits in the lucky charms. Nobody wants those!

Here is a little recap on what the vision is for this room and Y'all I am dying over this wallpaper. Like, literally dead.

I can't wait to start showing you guys some of the DIY's that are going down next week but for now I'm going to order another poolside beverage and soak up some sun. See ya later gator.

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