One Room Challenge Reveal | FALL 2017
WE MADE IT. I'm doing a victory lap around the house while Europe's "The Final Countdown" belts through the air in true Rocky fashion. ....Ok now I'm out of breath but I can't stop staring.

The kitchen is finally complete and of course I took it down to the wire. It's not really a "challenge" if you don't pull and all-nighter and fall asleep with paint in your hair! I have laughed, I have cried, and I have changed my mind 37 times while doing this room but I'm so glad we made it to the finish line. Every cut and scrape and tear was worth it, so without further babbling......

The Shiplap wrapped peninsula is my favorite thing for sure but that butcher block top is a show-stopper. It came to life after the Waterlox was applied and all of those soft blonde tones really popped! The concrete countertops were an experience and definitely caused me to shed a tear or two... and the tile is the cherry on top. Those 4x4 little gems are perfectly trimmed out with that blonde wood trim.
All in, we completed this room for under $800 and in 4 weeks between work and life. I know, I know.... hold your applause please. Just kidding. We did pour our hearts and many late night hours into this project. I'll be doing a separate post to break down cost and DIYs but here is what you all really wanna see. Leave your comments and let me know what you think!
