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One Room Challenge Week 6

The rubble has been cleared and I can finally make a sandwich again! Everyone please excuse my while I complete a celebratory "Carlton Banks" happy dance. Cue the Barry Manilow, please.

Confession: I'm a terrible secret keeper when it comes to exciting news. I think it is literally killing me to not share all the photos of the kitchen now. We are so close to the finish line at this point and, Man has it been a long road!? You don't realize how often you set things on your counters or how often you open a drawer until it's "off limits". I am so glad we are now back to a fully functioning kitchen and the only things left on my list are the little details to make it my own.

Photographic proof that I did 50% of the work

I'd like to give a round of applause and throw a small parade for "Mr. Mesa" who not only went along with ever crazy idea I came up with, he also took on the majority of the work load. ( He claims it's a 90/10 split but the jury is still out on that) *See above photo for proof. I held up the trim. Just sayin'.

Speaking of trim... I had this idea to trim out the tile instead of capping it off on the edges with grout. I'll be honest, the black grout is beautiful when it's finished but it is TERRIFYING while going up on the wall. The idea of black grout on those crisp white walls didn't sound like a fun clean up project so I threw out my idea (fully expecting a veto) and he was on board! Say WHHHHAT?

I used my my favorite can of Minwax natural wax sealer on the half round we purchased and installed it around all of the exposed edges of the backsplash. I love how this little accent ties in the peninsula and open shelves from the corner. Now we have the perfect spot for cookies jars full of dog treats! That's totally normal right?

I can't give too much away just yet but I DO have to show off some husband handiwork with the open shelving. I can't wait to show you guys the finished product but for now....

I'm off to find all the plants, thrifted bowls and travel keepsakes I can find to get these bad boys styled. See ya'll next week!!



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